‘FORMA’ Collagen Wave Therapy’

‘FORMA’ Collagen Wave Therapy’

‘FORMA’ Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy (The Pre-Event Hollywood Treatment)   ‘Forma’ Collagen Rejuvenation  Therapy, is one of the UK’s most sought after facial treatments. Recently, they have become popularized in the media by the increasing number of celebrities favouring them over the conventional Botox and Dermal Filler options due to their more natural looking end resulting appearance with no pain and no downtime. Celebrity users such as Amanda Holden, Mel B and Kylie Minogue are amongst the names that have featured in newspaper and fashion magazine articles, recently. Collagen Rejuvenation  Therapy is an exclusive skin tightening treatment that uses radio frequency energy to tighten skin tissue – helping it to contour and rejuvenate the skin. As there is no downtime, it provides the perfect non-surgical solution for the image-conscious person looking to rejuvenate, volumize and tighten the skin on the face, neck and décolletage. Forma Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy has also been very successful in treating other body areas, such as:- Elbows Hands Abdomen Legs Knees   So, how does Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy work? The ‘Forma’ radio frequency waves heat up deep layers of the skin and underlying tissue, causing deep collagen structures in the skin to tighten by stimulating the production of more collagen cells. This is said to boost the body’s own existing collagen levels and promotes the production of new collagen. This improves the skin’s elasticity for long lasting and remarkable results. Most of the advantages, mentioned above, make Forma Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy the No.1 preferred choice for many celebrities for upcoming family/red carpet events and other social engagements.   Is it painful? Absolutely not. As a matter...
‘Fractora Skin Resurfacing’

‘Fractora Skin Resurfacing’

  Fractora Skin Resurfacing Fractora is a Skin Resurfacing, Restructuring and Rejuvenating therapy that is the most technologically advanced fractional radio frequency treatment available in the world today. Fractora delivers radio frequency energy to the skin through an array of pins which puncture and pass energy in to the skin, producing localised heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. The gentle heat generated by the Fractora pins in the deeper layer of the skin (the sub-dermal layer) tissue promotes collagen restructuring for skin rejuvenation. This results in anti-ageing improvements in skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance. The methodical scattering of micro-punctures in to the skin allows faster healing than if the entire area was treated, thereby reducing down-time after a treatment. Fractora Skin Resurfacing can be used in areas that demonstrate fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discoloured red and brown skin tone. The most common areas of treatment are the smile lines, cheeks, mouth and neck. Fractora Skin Resurfacing is also very effective for treatment of loose and wrinkled skin on the belly area after child-birth (‘Mummy Tummy’). We have a number of clients who have had excellent results with smoothing and tightening of the skin in this area to a very good standard. The most commonly treated areas include: Lower eyelids “Crow’s Feet” lines Laughter lines, Forehead, Cheeks, Neck Smokers’ lips Acne Scars Lower Abdomen “Mummy Tummy” Surgery Scar reduction: (a)   Caesarean Scars, (b)  Breast Implant Surgery Scars Is Fractora painful? Fractora is generally quite easy to tolerate as the skin is treated with anaesthetic prior to the treatment. How long does...
‘Body FX’ Non-Surgical Body Fat Reduction

‘Body FX’ Non-Surgical Body Fat Reduction

  Body Contouring Body Fx: BodyFx is a new type of non-invasive cellulite and excess body fat treatment system. It uses radio frequency energy to tighten skin, reduce fat and improve the appearance of cellulite. During the procedure vacuum and radio frequency energy tighten skin and the fibrous attachments that result in cellulite. It also uses short bursts of high voltage energy to disrupt the wall of the fat cell resulting in their eventual destruction. The results have been fantastic for all of our Body Fx clients and this is one of our most popular treatments. How many treatments are required? The treatments are once a week for a total of 6-8 weeks (this will vary depending on the size of area needing treatment). It will treat any areas of stubborn fat or cellulite. Love-handles and lower tummy fat are very popular areas to have treated. Some of our clients find these areas very difficult to shift stubborn fat from, so this treatment is ideal for these kind of scenarios. Is the treatment uncomfortable? The treatment feels warm and you would feel a slight suction effect on the area of the skin being treated. It is very easy to handle however and lots of clients find that they spend the treatment relaxing and even falling asleep! How much does the treatment cost? This depends on the size of area being treated – the technology is world-leading and highly effective so this is reflected in the cost – a 45 minute treatment (enough to treat love-handles on both sides) would cost around £225 per...
Peels to rejuvenate skin and treat excess Pigmentation

Peels to rejuvenate skin and treat excess Pigmentation

   Peels The chemical peel is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world, and was performed in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome to help people achieve smoother, more beautiful skin. Today, chemical facial peels are popular because they offer nearly immediate results and can be performed as an outpatient procedure. It is generally very misleading to use the term “peel” when referring to a skin peel as most peels do not result in the recipient from peeling. There are many different types of peels that are used for different skin conditions to achieve different results. One rule of thumb is that the more aggressive peels give a deeper penetration and this enables them to often achieve better results. A chemical peel is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or hands. A chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and in some cases, peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin but it is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun. There are three basic types of chemical peels: Superficial or lunchtime Peel Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) or another mild acid is used to penetrate only the outer layer of skin to gently exfoliate it. The treatment is used to improve the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough skin as well as to refresh the face, neck, chest or hands. Medium Peel Glycolic or Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) is applied to penetrate the out and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment is used to improve age...
Treatments for Acne and Acne Scarring

Treatments for Acne and Acne Scarring

  Treatments for Acne and Acne Scarring If you have acne or acne scars, indentations or raised, red spotty or inflamed areas on your skin due to a medical condition such as acne or rosacea, we have a range of treatments to help manage the condition and also reduce the appearance of acne scarring (and other types of skin scarring). Acne scarring in particular can be very problematic for some clients, requiring a lot of effort with make-up to hide the scarring on the skin which can result from acne spots after they disappear. Fractora is the leading technology available today to help treat this issue, and as you will see from the images on this page, it helps to significantly reduce the appearance of the scarring. Fractora is a Skin Resurfacing, Restructuring and Rejuvenating therapy that is the most technologically advanced fractional radio frequency treatment available in the world today. Fractora delivers radio frequency energy to the skin through an array of pins which puncture and pass energy in to the skin, producing localised heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. The gentle heat generated by the Fractora pins in the deeper layer of the skin (the sub-dermal layer) tissue promotes collagen restructuring for skin rejuvenation. This results in anti-ageing improvements in skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance. The methodical scattering of micro-punctures in to the skin allows faster healing than if the entire area was treated, thereby reducing down-time after a treatment. What causes Acne? Acne can be a long-term skin disease that starts when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and sebum, or oil!...
Health & Wellness